Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sorry it took me so long, but new post!

Aloha all! Things have been very busy, and I haven't been left with much time to update this bad boy. But now here I am!

Well last month the parental units came to visit and brought my grandma as well. We had a lovely time, we went to a luau and swam with dolphins and saw some sights and such. It was so nice seeing some familiar faces, even if the matriarchal units (mom and grandma) went a little nuts with the camera. Oh well.

I also got to do my free royal swim the other day and it was so fun! I loved it, but honestly the one I did with my dad when he came to visit was better; I got to share the experience with my pop, there were fewer people, and we got to swim with the wolphin which is always exciting.

I can't believe I'm coming home in 6 weeks! I love it here but I am so ready to be home and in my element again. Plus I miss the boy. You know the one I'm talking about. I got some good news about an oppertunity that has opened for me once I'm back in Wichita, but it's still tentative so I'm not going to say much about it yet. Just cross your fingers that it works out for me!

Well that's it for now, I will update more later- maybe. =)

Happy Thanksgiving and Aloooooooooooooooooooo-HA!!